Rosa Camfield was born on June 13, 1913, on Friday the 13th. Three children, five grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren later, she welcomes her last great-grandchild into the world.
One of Rosa’s granddaughters, Sarah Hamm from Gilbert, Arizona, posted a very special picture to her Facebook page — not knowing it would soon go viral. This picture is of Rosa holding her newest great-granddaughter, Kaylee.
“We were all worried Grandma Rosa wouldn’t make it until the day Kaylee went home. I just love the photo. The first moment of Grandma holding Kaylee was just breathtaking. It touched my heart,” Hamm said, Arizona 12 news reported.
Lucky for this family and the rest of the world that Grandma Rosa did make it to that special day because this photo has touched the heartsof millions of people. “Life of Dad Social Network” discovered the photo shortly after it was posted and shared it with their followers.
Co-Founder Tom Riles said according to Faithap, “… To think that they grew up in entirely different worlds than what the newest members will experience, yet their influence, values and love will pass on through them and others to come is simply amazing.”
Another Co-Founder went on to say how shocked they all were at how the picture took off like it did.
Within an hour of sharing, this photo received hundreds of ‘likes’ and ‘shares’. This beautiful and touching photo now has more than 2.5 million ‘likes’ and 77,000 ‘shares’.
Although simple, there’s something about this photo that reminds people of their own loved ones. It also serves as a great reminder of how important family is and how nothing compares to the strength of family love.
According to Faithtap, one woman commented on the photo saying: “I’m sitting here crying my eyes out. I am 59 yrs old and my first great granddaughter was born 6 weeks ago. We had a lot of plans to take a 5-generation photo of my mother, myself, my daughter, my granddaughter and my great granddaughter when she was born. My mother died at 89 just before the baby was born. Oh, how I would have loved to have had a picture like this! It’s amazing and one that should be cherished for eternity.”
Grandma Rosa passed away but her legacy and this picture live on. Sarah Hamm, Rosa’s granddaughter who originally posted the photo, responded to the outpouring of love by saying how amazing it is to be able to pass on stories and legacies from generation to generation.
What do you think of this heartwarming photo below? Tell us what you think and SHARE the love and pass it on!

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